Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Glycosylation Profile of Proteins in Biological Fluids Research Paper

The Glycosylation Profile of Proteins in Biological Fluids - Research Paper Example The kinds of buyers who are expected to be frequently served are habitual shoppers who buy products at same places over and over and in the same manner. These shoppers get awareness once they have run out of a product and use only information provided or easily available. Once they visit retail outlets they discover new products. In the evaluation stage, they are likely to fall back on long-held preferences since they are brand loyal but they are also susceptible to change. To make the purchase, they have to be reminded and their purchase can be planned or unplanned. In the last stage of post-sale service, they perform moderate evaluations unless switching brands (Nunes & Cespedes, nap). The best channel for this device places it in several factory outlet stores, websites and use of catalogue so that the buyer can get the information wherever they are used to shop. To create awareness of the product, salespersons or adverts can be placed at their favourite sites or factory locations and enough information provided to convince them to change their preferences. Such adverts or sales promotions keep reminding them of the need to buy such devices. Once they buy the product, they are likely to repeat the purchase as they become brand loyal. The open system is essential for such shoppers as they prefer buying everything in one place and not much concerned with product quality assurance. Targeted e-mail campaigns can also be used to remind such customers of the need to buy the devices.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Reason and democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reason and democracy - Essay Example In his speech on (2009), the united state president Barrack Obama claimed that, American presumes no knowledge of everyone's needs, but he believes that everyone yearns for certain things in life. These things include; the ability to share their thoughts on how they are governed; the ability to confide in the judicial system. In addition, citizens need to have a government they can confide in with their resources, and for the freedom to live as they may choose (Obama's Speech in Cairo 2009) In this sense, a true act of democracy must be supplied by reason. Democratic state, government in office are open and ready to supply all the essential facts of their actions to their citizens. This builds the citizens trust on the government in managing their resources, in the judicial system and their freedom to make their own chooses without state manipulation or threats (Obama's Speech in Cairo 2009).. If an individual believes that they are entitled to certain aspects in life, if one can clearly elaborate the reasons as to why they enjoy such rights as opposed to if they were not entitled to them, hence, they believe in democracy. In a judicial system, every judgment ought to be backed by reason. It is only in such circumstances that democracy is fulfilled. If a judge were to pass judgment on individuals without clarified reasons, then this would defile the aspect of democracy. Acts of democracy should be justifiable based on reason. In a dialogue between; Theseus from a democratic city, and Theban Herald from despotism city.